Paladins are the holiest of warriors, obligated to destroy the evil in the realm. Arch enemies of the Ruiner class, the Paladin makes use of his fighting abilities as well as his spells of the purest nature to bring peace and order to the world.
Paladins can only be Human, Elf, Halfelf, Dwarf or Pixie.
Paladins require a good amount of strength and wisdom.
ALL Abilities available for Paladin class. Lv Abilities 1:Kick swim miscellaneous axe bludgeon pole arms thrown spears two handers long blades short blades fencing blades 3:second attack 8:dual 10:parry 12:mount 15:shield block 18:rescue 20:bash 25:third attack 30:disarm bless 31:detect evil detect invis 32:armor 33:know alignment lay hands 34:blaze 35:angels fury 36:guard dispel evil protection from evil 38:confidence 39:cure poison 40:gavel of justice 42:shield of faith 45:repentant 47:holy aura 50:angelic touch 53:optimism 55:shackles of purity 58:guardian angel 60:hands of god