Though small of build, the Faeries are an intelligent folk, placing much value on knowledge. This is the basis of Faerie society, in which almost all members are scholars and wizards. Their studies in nature are comprehensive and illluminating and provide great insight into the workings of the environment. This lends the ability to harness great magical energy for both warfare and the healing arts.

Racial abilities: fly, infravision, detect invis, and detect hidden, susceptible to acid and electricity

Attribute bonuses: +1 int, +1 wis, +1 dex, -2 str, and -1 con

Faeries may not choose to be Monks or Warriors.

Racial attribute mods affect both starting stats and maximum stats.
Click on a race for more information about it.

             Str  Int  Wis  Dex  Con
Human         0    0    0    0    0
Elf          -2    2    1    1   -1
Halfelf       0    0    0    1    0
Drow         -1    1    1    1   -2
Dwarf         1    0    0   -1    2
Hobbit       -1    0   -1    3   -1
Gnome        -1    0    2    1   -1
Duergar       1   -1    0    0    2
Orc           1   -1    0    0    0
Halforc       1   -3   -2    0    3
Barbarian     2   -2   -2    0    2
Pixie        -4    2    2    3   -3
Giant         3   -4   -3   -2    3
Hobgoblin     1    0   -1    0    1
Kobold       -1   -1    0    2    1
Ogre          2   -2   -1   -2    2
Githyanki     0    2    1    0   -1
Faerie       -2    1    1    1   -1