At high levels, Monks are incredibly dextrous, achieving up to five attacks. They have very low AC and as such can dodge very well. Monks have learned to use their body to its full extent, and are therefore more effective without weapons or heavy armor (these can actually inhibit their fighting abilities). Monks are the only class to master the use of Ki.
Monks may choose to become either Shaolins, Mystics, or join the Shadow Sun Clan upon reaching level 30.
Monks can be Humans, Elves, Halfelves, or Drow.
Monks require a good amount of wisdom and dexterity.
Monk skills: Lv Abilities 1: kick 3: dodge 5: ki-flurry 7: double jab 12: swim 15: knee groin 18: meditate 20: elbow smash 23: rescue 25: sweep-kick