Halforcs have a very nasty reputation for being brutal. Most other races shun them, because of their Orc heritage. In almost all cases, these creatures were produced when an Orc male raped a Human female. Halforcs are usually quite strong, but not real bright. They are nearly the same size as a typical man but have an ugly snout and sharply-pointed ears. They are considered to be ugly by both Orc and Human standards.

Racial abilities: infravision, resist disease, susceptible to light

Attribute bonuses: +1 str, +3 con, -3 int, -2 wis

Halforcs may not choose to be Monks. In addition, they may not choose to subclass into Ruiners, Paladins, or Berserkers.

Racial attribute mods affect both starting stats and maximum stats.
Click on a race for more information about it.

             Str  Int  Wis  Dex  Con
Human         0    0    0    0    0
Elf          -2    2    1    1   -1
Halfelf       0    0    0    1    0
Drow         -1    1    1    1   -2
Dwarf         1    0    0   -1    2
Hobbit       -1    0   -1    3   -1
Gnome        -1    0    2    1   -1
Duergar       1   -1    0    0    2
Orc           1   -1    0    0    0
Halforc       1   -3   -2    0    3
Barbarian     2   -2   -2    0    2
Pixie        -4    2    2    3   -3
Giant         3   -4   -3   -2    3
Hobgoblin     1    0   -1    0    1
Kobold       -1   -1    0    2    1
Ogre          2   -2   -1   -2    2
Githyanki     0    2    1    0   -1
Faerie       -2    1    1    1   -1